Ali Memarian
You light-hearted, and I’ve seen and my life, Chunti.
He dreams of both worlds, Chuny.
I’m your lipsless as if you’re asking.
You’re a yellow impertinent,
I don’t know because…
- 1994
- M.Sc. in Commerce
- Digital Marketing
- Branding
- Consultant Advertising
- Buy Idea
- Maker
- Director
Ideation and writing and even creating a brand from the moment of formation in mind and ideation and on paper writing it to the final moments of achieving goals and achieving anything that was within the limits of a line of thought is one of the most enjoyable feelings I have experienced throughout my life.

- Social Media
- , Cinema,
- Art,
- Music,
- Philosophy,
- Travel,
- Shopping
- Etabs
- Safe
- Microsoft office
- Auto cad
- Appreciation as the country’s top student researcher in the field of contemporary Iranian
- literature Theatre Director
- 2013 2017 Bachelor of Water Engineering
- theatre Director Short Film
- Director Playwriting
- Advertising Consultant
- Editor-in-Chief of Avaye Khouzestan
- Magazine Secretary of Student Organization of Chamran University
- Director, Producer and Writer
- 2018 1401 Bachelor of Financial Management
- Master of Commerce/
- Digital Marketing Project manager of construction of 30 telecommunication sites to the employer of the Ministry of Communications Chief Sales Officer
- Advertising consultant of Oxin and Sabzfam bread factories
- Social Media Consulting Holding Clay & Khorshid Iranian
- Managing Director of Farzaneh Explorers Maker Co.
- Managing Director of Cromdia