Lida jourabian Beauty Salon located in Kianpars area of Ahvaz and on a land of 220 square meters and has been renovated within 5 months. In the design of the façade using crow lines as well as vertical lines separator attempted to see the taller building and also the use of large mirrored orb on the entrance of the complex is emphasized. The repetition of crow lines in the flooring of the courtyard at the entrance is combined with the waterfront, which is well visible from inside the main hall. The use of colored pipes in the responsiveness and entrance based on the use of the complex emphasizes on the right part of which are service spaces including cloakroom, service, buffet and waiting space. In the interior design of the hall, it has been tried to use the vault shape which is the main concept of the project in different sizes and shapes in different lines. The eyelash and tattoo part is separated from the main hall by the glass curtain, which will make the visual connection suitable in the space.
navid abedi
Mehrdad Esmaeilian
220 m